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Trump authorizes use of force against migrants/ Your thoughts?
in Politics


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  • @ethang5 that is true, they also come with a fatality rate of around 1% however I would still prefer them as the potential for collateral to innocent people is significantly lower. I can understand why someone would not support that trade off and that's reasonable.
  • @ethang5 that is true, they also come with a fatality rate of around 1% however I would still prefer them as the potential for collateral to innocent people is significantly lower. I can understand why someone would not support that trade off and that's reasonable.
    Border Patrol uses both, the Israelis use both.  I don't see how there's a trade off of any kind.
  • @YeshuaBought
    No one complains about Canadian immigrants because there’s absolutely no reason for them to cross illegally. Therefore, they don’t. Now, force has been authorized because when you cross illegally, you’re doing something illegal. And, some, not all illegal immigrants are crossing to to do harm to the US and our citizens.
    the law isn't perfect there is such thing as a law that doesn't work or is morally wrong
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